The Lakshmi in Letting Go

Lakshmi is the Indian goddess of good fortune, beauty, and abundance. Her name has the root word of “laksa” or goal, and she is subsequently seen as a symbol of prosperity, gaining wealth, and obtaining material comfort. She is often pictured with Lord Ganesha the god of new beginnings at the start of a project or at the beginning of the year, as she is invoked for success in new ventures. Lakshmi is depicted as having four arms, signifying protection from all four directions, and is seated on a lotus flower, representing our inner wisdom; rooted in deep spiritual knowledge, grounded in our strong minds and open hearts. 

While December is not typically thought of as a season of goals and new beginnings, here is why I feel like Lakshmi might just be the goddess we need to help us let go of the year and cross the threshold of 2023 with grace. 

I received a real life Lakshmi lesson recently in real life.  A human form of her archetypal energy- a man my husband and I met five years ago on vacation to Bocas del Toro named Rick. In between surf sessions we were cruising around in a water taxi getting to know the various islands when the boat pulled up to the Blue Coconut Bar, an over the water island establishment on a sunny afternoon. Rick, a fellow patron, was friendly, unguarded, and generous. We chatted all afternoon about his boat, the different islands and our collective interests. Seemingly in passing he offered, “The next time you visit you should stay at my place, there wouldn't be any charge.” I thought nothing much of it. I figured it was just something you say on a sunny day while having a drink on an island. Who would be so generous to perfect strangers for no reason?

 But we stayed in touch, and a year later, we did stay at his house, for free, no strings attached, just the perfect magical experience from a man who lived with a heart full of abundance. Rick didn't look at us as a way to make money or achieve any particular goal. He simply knew he had a magical space and wanted to share it. One could tell it brought this man great joy to share the wealth he had, to make others smile, and spend time with friends.

I learned just a few days ago that Rick died last week. And all I could think about besides the sadness in not saying goodbye, was this man as a representation of beauty and generosity. the energy of Lakshmi in human form. 

Whether he knew about Lakshmi or not, Rick knew that our access to abundance comes from trust, grace, and kindness. He knew the joy was in the sharing and not the taking. This was a man i never once saw wihtout a smile on his face.

This December as we reflect back on the year and set goals for the next , may we all see the world the way Lakshmi does, the way Rick does; as a place where our individual abundance resides in the sharing and the power we create from connection to each other. 

May we find the Lakshmi in the letting go of the hoarding, the comparing, and the shit talking. May we find Lakshmi in the abundance of cooperation, co-creation, mutual respect.

May we each find within ourselves, like Rick, a way to move through this world with ungrasping security, and an inner reserve of love which is limitless, unbound, free, and forever. 

Meghan Tolhurst